Privacy Policy

MOST HUNTED is very careful with your privacy and uses the information provided by you for MOST HUNTED purposes only. Unless you have given permission, MOST HUNTED will not provide your details to others, unless MOST HUNTED is forced to do so by law or when you decided to pay by credit. In the latter case, a credit check will be performed by a third party.

To process your MOST HUNTED payments en send your order we work together with reliable parties who handle your data carefully. Your data will only be used for MOST HUNTED.

We use Google Analytics to optimize our website and communication with you. The data we collect in Google Analytics is anonymised and encrypted. The so-called ‘sharing data’ with Google is switched off. We do not use the Analytics cookies in combination with other Google services.

If you receive the MOST HUNTED newsletter, you are a friend of MOST HUNTED. We use your email address only to inform you about the latest items, special offers and other MOST HUNTED news. We send our newsletter with MailerLite. At MailerLite, protecting your privacy is as important as it is to us. If you do not like to receive our newsletter anymore, just click the unsubscribe button at the end of your newsletter.

Are there any questions left regarding your privacy?

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    Email (required)



    We’ll be happy to help and will reply as soon as possible.