10 Years Of MOST HUNTED. Hooray?

Absolutely. Although we are forced to celebrate it with a new Instagram account. And a whole lot of discount. Why? Our account was taken from us by someone who was hunting for money, choosing the holiday season as their perfect moment to strike – a tough blow for entrepreneurs still recovering from the pandemic. Such criminal behavior is exactly what we stand against. We will continue to create awareness for wildlife that is hunted for money, certain beliefs, or just for fun.

Luckily, we remain positive. We just start over. We fight back. We’re ready to create new memories, launch fresh ideas, and reach out to new fans. Imagine, if every person on this planet wore just one of our shirts, our conservation problem would be solved. It’s that simple. That’s our goal. Roarrr.

We’re kicking off with huge discounts in our webshop. Here you’ll find our discounted collector’s items: unique shirts and sweaters that won’t return to our collection, available at very gentle prices. You can count on our well-known high quality, so you can stay Most Hunted for a long time. Because once you put on one of our items, you become Most Hunted. It’s not just the statement on your shirt that captures the attention we aim for; the cool colors and prints also stand out. Even with our more basic items, you’re sure to turn heads.

Will you help us put Most Hunted back on the social map? Follow our new Instagram account @mosthunted_com. Or make a statement by wearing something from Most Hunted. Join the pack. Fight Back. Save Wildlife.

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