The wild group ‘shot’ we like a lot

You should have seen our smiles when we received this fantastic group ‘shot’. It was made during one of the exciting Squiver nature photography trips with Marsel van Oosten and Daniella Sibbing. It must have been a fantastic sight to see all of the MOST HUNTED animals in the wilderness of Botswana. Every time we see people wearing our shirts it makes us so proud that they are willing to fight for the same cause with us. Can you image how seeing this image made us feel. Especially knowing that Marsel donated the head shots of the lion, tiger, macaque and panda to us to create these meaningful T-shirts. And for those who didn’t know, our illustrated MOST HUNTED tiger is based on Marsel’s tiger image. How complete can it be? So thanks a lot for this wild picture, all of you!

Would you also like to stand up for wildlife being threatened with extinction and stop wildlife from being shot just for fun, money our certain beliefs? Wear one of our streetwear items. Make a statement. Fight Back & Save Wildlife.

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