Relax with a beastly good feeling.

A beastly good relax bar on the beach of Oostduinkerke. That is Up ’t Zand. The owner wanted to create a workplace that would be like his own ideal vacation spot, a place where you can enjoy the good life and relax. Up ‘t Zand distinguishes itself with this relax concept from the other terraces in the cozy seaside village. Extra special is that they support MOST HUNTED. The employees are dressed in MOST HUNTED tiger T-shirts, tops and sweaters with their own crew logo on the back. This does not only look good, it gives a good feeling to generate awareness throughout the summer for the useless killing of wild animal species. The more people become aware of the alarmingly fast extinction of wildlife, the better. Together we can make a difference and help save wildlife from the hands of hunters and poachers.

With your feet in the sand, the sun on your skin and a view on the sea, you can enjoy the good life with a good feeling Up ’t Zand. On the sustainable wooden benches with lots of pillows it is wonderful to chat with a refreshing drink in your hand and snack something tasty. The cozy beach sounds in the background and the buzz of other relaxers take you a little further into the holiday feeling. We hereby declare the relax terrace of the Belgian coast officially MOST HUNTED.

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